New London Architecture



The New London Agenda is our framework for best practice in city-making — taken from 18 years of experience in London, and with direct contributions from over 400 people across public, private and charitable sectors.

The New London Agenda has been guided by the New London Sounding Board, with oversight from the NLA’s Senior Advisors Sadie Morgan, Greg Clark and Robert Gordon Clark, and with contributions from the following NLA Committees and Panels, encompassing some 400+ individuals.


As London moves into a new 30-year development cycle, London’s built environment community will need to work together to help shape a city of Equity, Sustainability and Prosperity, guided through the values of: Taking Responsibility, Providing Clarity, and Building Trust. Our approach will be shaped by the ‘Six Pillars of Placemaking’, applicable to places of all scales and sizes across the city.
Take Responsibility
Provide Clarity
Build Trust

Our Approach

Our Approach
Focus on health
Plan for future generations
Think beyond boundaries
Value diversity
Leverage innovation
Work in partnership


Over a period of four years, aligning with the next political cycle, London’s built environment community will embed the values and principles of this Agenda into our work. NLA will report on our progress each year, reviewing the framework and its impact in four years’ time.

New London Agenda Charrettes

Since its launch in January 2024, the New London Agenda has actively engaged the NLA London built environment community, a vibrant cross-sector network spanning public and private sectors. We have collaborated with our members, international visitors, investors, school children, and various communities across London to start applying the principles outlined in the agenda.

Over the past few months, we convened over 260 Expert Panel and Committee members to address challenges and develop solutions related to each of the six pillars of the New London Agenda. Our charrettes were designed to maximise collaborative problem-solving. Each session began with a provocative introduction to spark critical thinking, followed by table discussions where participants identified barriers to adopting the Agenda's principles. We then regrouped for collective feedback before participants swapped tables to brainstorm solutions, concluding with a session summary of key outcomes.

Each table featured a diverse mix of 5 to 6 participants, including architects, engineers, local authorities, developers, university leaders, Business Improvement District (BID) representatives, and community members.

Here, we present some of the key findings from these workshops and outline the next steps to advance the New London Agenda.

Discover the charrettes in full detail below.

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