New London Architecture

Retrofit First: The Future of London’s Hotels

Monday 18 November 2024

View speaker presentations

Sophie Goff

Head of Communications

David Glossop

Senior Principal and Hospitality Sector Lead
Introba UK

Ana Araujo

Buro Happold

Gary Mountford

Technical Director
EPR Architects

Silvia Vian

Woods Bagot

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As the City of London's "Retrofit First" policy gains traction across the capital, this evening talk explored how innovative hotel projects are leading the shift towards sustainable redevelopment. Introduced in early 2024, the policy requires developers to prioritise retrofitting and reusing existing buildings to lower carbon emissions and reduce material waste, rather than opting for demolition or new construction. 
This event featured a range of case studies showcasing the successful retrofit of various hotels, highlighting the significant environmental benefits of reducing carbon emissions and minimising material waste. These projects demonstrate how hotels can retain their architectural heritage while adapting to modern sustainability demands, setting a precedent for future developments across the city.
Watch back this evening talk to hear from leading industry voices and explore how hotel retrofitting can pave the way for a more sustainable future in the capital.

View speaker presentations

Sophie Goff

Head of Communications

David Glossop

Senior Principal and Hospitality Sector Lead
Introba UK

Ana Araujo

Buro Happold

Gary Mountford

Technical Director
EPR Architects

Silvia Vian

Woods Bagot


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